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Carmen Copper Corporation production and shipment report April 2012


Carmen Copper Corporation, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Atlas Consolidated Mining and Development Corporation, reported a total mill throughput for April amounted to 1,228,000 tonnes ore at an average grade of 0.35% Cu. This resulted in the production of 13,137 DMT of copper concentrate with an average grade of 27.34% Cu, 2.80g/t Au and 20.llg/t Ag. The ore was sourced from the Lutopan pit.

Three shipments of 4,955DMT, 4,924DMT and 4,945DMT of copper concentrates were made for the month totaling 14,824DMT through MRI Trading AG, which were consigned to Chinese smelters. The shipped concentrates averaged 27.32% Cu, 3.Olg/t Au and 21.30g/t Ag. The payable metal content of the concentrate was 8,584, 000 lbs copper and 1,307 oz of gold.

The estimated value of the shipments was US$34.66million based on provisional and hedged prices of US$3.79/lb copper, US$1,648/oz gold.
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"Carmen Copper Corporation production and shipment report April 2012" was written by Mary under the Business category. It has been read 2351 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on and updated on 07 May 2012.
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