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National Seminar and Conference of The Philippine Association for the Career Advancement of Educators (PACAE)

The Philippine Association for the Career Advancement of Educators (PACAE) announces the conduct of its National Seminar and Conference on the following dates and venues:
ActivityDate and VenueAimParticipant
National Seminar for School Administrators on the Proper Management and Implementation of the K to 12 Program

Theme: Enhancing Skills of Educational Leaders on the Proper and Effective Management and Implementation of the K to 12 Program
February16-18, 2013
Benitez Hall, Teachers Camp, Baguio City


February 23-25, 2013
Brokenshire Resort and Convention Center
Brokenshire Heights, Madapo, Davao City

  • To provide school administrators' appreciation of the K to 12 Program and make them realize the important role they play in its proper and effective management and implementation
  • To equip school administrators with a deeper understanding of the K-12 curriculum framework and model: the learning domains and competencies
  • To enhance participants' skills in managing and implementing the K to 12 Program
Head teachers and principals, coordinators, education supervisors, directors and owners of private schools and graduate students (masteral and doctoral levels of education)
International Conference on Early Childhood Education

Theme: Worldwide Development and Trends
April 4-6, 2013
DepEd Ecotech, Sudlon, Lahug, Cebu City


April 18-20, 2013
Brokenshire Resort and Convention Center
Brokenshire Heights, Madapo, Davao City


April 24-25, 2013
Baguio Convention Center, Baguio City
  • To give an overview of the best practices on Early Childhood Education (ECE) in different countries
  • To provide international standards and benchmarks to ECE teachers and administrators
  • To make teachers realize the importance of establishing home-school-community relationship
Preschool teachers / coordinators, head teachers and principals, education supervisors, district supervisors, directors and owners of private schools, undergraduate and graduate students majoring in early childhood/preschool education
Participation of both public and private schools shall be subject to the no-disruption-of¬classes policy as stipulated in DepEd Order No. 9, s. 2005 entitled Instituting Measures to Increase Engaged Time-on-Task and Ensuring Compliance Therewith.

For more information, interested participants may contact PACAE Secretariat, GA Tower 1, Unit 1815, 83 EDSA, Mandaluyong City, mobile phone nos.: 0917-814-5388; 0917-209-35 19; 0920-929-0432 or send a message through email address: pacae_edu@yahoo.com and website address: www.pacae.org.
- https://www.affordablecebu.com/

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"National Seminar and Conference of The Philippine Association for the Career Advancement of Educators (PACAE)" was written by Mary under the Events category. It has been read 4324 times and generated 3 comments. The article was created on and updated on 09 February 2013.
Total comments : 3
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pacae [Entry]

This is from the Secretariat of Philippine Association for the Career Advancement of Educators (PACAE). Please REMOVE/DELETE ALL the information you have posted regarding our National Seminar-Workshops/International Conference. The information that you have posted are wrong and misleading. THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE WILL BE HELD ON APRIL 24-26, 2014 AT THE BAGUIO CONVENTION CENTER, BAGUIO CITY ONLY and no International Conference was held on April 24-25, 2013 at the Baguio Convention Center nor on April 18-20, 2013 at the Brokenshire Resort and Convention Center at the Brokenshire Heights, Madapo, Davao City.
emmie maniego [Entry]

Good Morning