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The Four Most Frequent Errors Made When Filing For Bankruptcy

The Four Most Frequent Errors Made When Filing For Bankruptcy
"""If you file for bankruptcy correctly, it's a great method to end your debt problems. If you take all the necessary measures, your bankruptcy case will be a resounding success, leading to a debt-free world where you can rest easy.

Unfortunately, many individuals do not arrive there because they do not take the necessary measures to ensure their own success.

Here are four common errors people make when filing for bankruptcy, along with straightforward solutions.

First Error: You Fail to Contact a Lawyer Many individuals who need to get out of debt attempt to do so on their own. Either they have read a book about how simple bankruptcy can be, they do not know how to locate a lawyer to assist them, or they are afraid to discuss their problems with an attorney.

Solution: Consult an attorney! Search online for a bankruptcy attorney in your area. Make a few phone calls and get a sense for the person with whom you would work best. It is unlikely that you won't be able to find a good attorney in your area who is willing to meet with you for little or no cost in order to assess your situation and determine the best way to resolve your bill issues.

You have not completed your homework - It's simple to make a decision based on a television commercial or talking head, but this does not provide you with real, reliable information about your options and what bankruptcy will mean for your specific situation.

Conduct some research in order to avoid problems! There are many credible online and offline sources of information. Start your search for online resources by perusing my articles or by visiting the Bankruptcy Law Network. Do not rush into any solution until you have gathered as much information as possible about it.

Third Error: You're Unprepared Numerous individuals who meet with a lawyer or other professional to resolve their bill issues do not provide documentation or information regarding their income, expenses, or debts. The advice you receive is, at best, general and typically irrelevant to your situation.

Solution: Pile on the Paperwork! Bring all of your invoices, pay stubs, tax returns, mortgage and auto loan statements, and utility bills. By providing your attorney with as much information as possible, you will increase your odds of receiving accurate, specific information to help resolve your bill issues.

Fourth Error: Listening to Well-Intentioned Family and Friends Your friends and family care about and appreciate you. They seek your best interests. However, they do not pay your monthly expenses and do not have to deal with phone calls and collection letters.

Solution: Decide for Yourself! Your future is entirely up to you. Utilize the information you obtain from a variety of sources and the knowledge you acquire to enhance your future. Credit counseling, debt settlement, self-help, and bankruptcy are all viable alternatives. Choose the best option and be confident that you've made the correct choice.""

" - https://www.affordablecebu.com/

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"The Four Most Frequent Errors Made When Filing For Bankruptcy" was written by Mary under the Finance / Wealth category. It has been read 285 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on and updated on 02 June 2023.
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