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Top Billionaires in Belgium 2012

Forbes updated their billionaires list for year 2012. In Belgium, only two people got the billionaire ranking of Forbes. To be a billionaire, it takes many valuable companies to create and develop. Let us know these two billionaires in Belgium and their companies making them reach the status.
Billionaires in Belgium 2012

Billionaires in Belgium 2012

NameNet WorthAgeSource
Albert Frere$3.6 billion86diversified
Patokh Chodiev$2.8 billion59mining, metals

Let's get some details of these Belgian billionaires.

1. Albert Frere

Albert Frere

Known to be the richest man in Belgium, billionaire Albert Frere built a scrap metal business and invested in media, oil and utilities. He has 25% share in German media giant Bertelsmann. He has also shares from different companies such as:
  • Petrofina
  • Compagnie Luxembourgoise de Telediffusion (CLT)
  • Royale Belge Insurance
  • Tractebel
  • Power Corp. Canada
  • AGESCA Nederland
  • Parjoinco
  • GBL
  • BNP Paribas
  • etc.,
In 2002, Belgian King Albert II gave him a title of baron. He's a co-owner of Chateau Cheval Blanc winery.

He is described as workaholic but he admits he will never retire.

2. Patokh Chodiev

Patokh Chodiev

Billionaire Patokh Chodiev is part of the central asian businessmen Trio. Members include himself, Alexander Mashkevich and Alijan Ibragimov. They are both billionaires who invested in minerals, gas, oil and banking.

Chodiev is the major shareholder of Eurasian National Resources Corporation (ENRC) which is a diversified natural resources company based in London. It has interest in energy, mining, processing, marketing and logistics.

What can you say about these two billionaires in Belgium for year 2012?
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"Top Billionaires in Belgium 2012" was written by Mary under the Finance / Wealth category. It has been read 5375 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on and updated on 10 March 2012.
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