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Bomb found at the back of Cotabato City School

In Cotabato City - Authorities said that a bomb was found along Sta. Clara St., at the back of Sero Central Elementary School, Rosary Heights this morning (Wednesday, January 11, 2012).
Civilians discovered the bomb at around nine o'clock in the morning and reported this incident to the authorities. The city police bomb squad and the explosives and ordnance disposal team of the military quickly responded and they guarded and cleared the area.

The said bomb was a twin mortar round (made up of two pieces of 60 mm mortar). The authorities described it as an UXO or unexploded ordnance.

Wires were not found attached to the mortar, which is important in triggering IEDs. Investigations are still going on. - https://www.affordablecebu.com/

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"Bomb found at the back of Cotabato City School" was written by Mary under the News category. It has been read 1801 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on and updated on 11 January 2012.
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