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How to Set a Computer Clock

How to Set a Computer Clock
"Set a computer clock to show the correct date and current time for your time zone. The clock that displays a time on your computer screen is subject to running fast or slow like other clocks, but Internet access can be used to correct that. Windows offers an option to set a computer clock for periodic time-correcting updates from its Web-based clock or your choice of timekeeping sites. Advertisement How to Set a Computer Clock Step 1 Double click the time display on the bottom right of the computer screen to open the date and time properties box. Use the tabs to access settings for time, date, time zone and Web-based time updates. Step 2 Set the clock for the correct time zone. Click the ""Time zone"" tab. Click the drop-down menu for time zone choices. Click the time zone choice for your area. Click a check in the box for automatic updates on daylight saving time changes. Click the ""Apply"" button, then the ""OK"" button. Advertisement Step 3 Set the correct date. Click the ""Date and time"" tab to show clock and calendar settings. Click the drop-down menu displaying the name of a month to change the month. Use the up-and-down arrow keys to change the year being displayed. Click on a date on the calendar image to set the date. The time can be manually set on this page also. Step 4 Set the current time. Use the up-and-down arrow keys next to the numeric time display on the date and time page to manually set the clock. Click ""Apply,"" then click ""OK"" to confirm date and time settings. Advertisement Step 5 Click the ""Internet time"" tab to use a Web-based clock for updates to automatically correct the time. Click the ""Server"" drop-down menu for listed Internet time sources. Click a check mark into the check box for automatic synchronizing. Click the ""Update now"" button, then click the ""OK"" button. Advertisement" - https://www.affordablecebu.com/

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"How to Set a Computer Clock" was written by Mary under the News category. It has been read 675 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on and updated on 30 January 2022.
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