1. In the identification of the recipient schools, priority shall be given to schools which belong to the following categories:
a. New Construction2. The Standards of the School Building Design are as follows:a.1. Schools belonging to the "Black" and "Red" codes of the Basic Education Information System (BEIS);b. Completion of Schools
a.2. Schools which belong to the "Gold" and "Yellow" codes of the BEIS; and
a.3. In case no schools belong to the aforementioned color codes, schools under the "Blue" category will be considered, provided that there is a justification why it was prioritized.b.1. unfinished; andc. Replacement, Reconstruction and Repair/Renovation
b.2. utilized for academic instruction.c.1. Replacement of school building razed/destroyed by fire, old and dilapidated structures which have been condemned as finally approved by the schools division/city superintendent (SDS);d. Provision of School Furniture
c.2. Rehabilation or reconstruction of school buildings damaged by typhoons, covered by mud slides and flash floods; and
c.3. Repair of structures which are dangerous to the lives of the school populace.d.1. All schools recipient of new classroom construction shall be provided with school furniture (45 units armchair, 1 set teacher's table and chair; and 1 unit blackboard); ande. Other Priorities
d.2. The school furniture shall be in accordance with the DepEd Standards.e. 1. Construction/Repair of multi-purpose workshop (to be used for conducting home economics and industrial art classes), science laboratories and toilets;
e.2. Provision of potable water supply system and repair of water facilities;
e.3. Installation of electrical wiring or general rewiring;
e.4. Provision of classroom for indigenous peoples (IPs); and
e.5. Provision of classrooms for resettlement areas with suitable school site.
a. Conventional Design3. The Standard Costs of School Building are the following:a.1. The 7m x 9m classroom dimension shall be adopted for all public elementary and secondary schools; andb. Special Design
a.2. Design suitability to actual site condition shall be considered in the finalization of plans, specifications and allocation per school.b.1. The typhoon-resistant school building may be constructed in typhoon and flood prone areas; andc. Except for multi-storey construction which can be programmed as partial construction, but must be usable/functional, due to limited budget, all single-storey classroom construction must have the following features of a complete school building:
b.2. Indigenous school building designs may be adopted in far-flung areas.c.1. cemented flooring;
c.2. smooth finished (plastered) walls;
c.3. painted walls, ceiling and roofing;
c.4. full-cathedral type ceiling;
c.5. complete set of windows;
c.6. two (2) entrances with doors;
c.7. complete electrical wires and fixtures for areas with electrical facilities;
c.8. roofing or weather protection; and
c.9. chalkboards.
a. The provincial costs of school buildings will be adopted in the implementation of the RSBP. The provincial costs shall be based on the prevailing cost of construction materials in a particular province. The cost may vary for remote, far-flung or for island schools which will incur additional expenses for handling of materials to the project site; and4. The Modes of Implementation are as follows:
b. Regardless of the location of the recipient schools or condition of the project site, all school buildings to be constructed must have complete features.
a. School building projects shall be undertaken by the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH); and5. The Coordination and Consultation shall be done through the following:
b. These can also be under a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between DPWH and the local govenrment units (LGUs) or the National Development Support Command (NADESCOM) following the provisions of Republic Act (RA) No. 9184 entitled "Government Procurement Reform. Act."
a. The SDSs or their representatives shall coordinate/consult with the concerned Representative of the Legislative District and the DPWH District Engineer in the preparation of the final listing of recipient schools. The said listing shall be jointly approved by the SDSs and the DPWH District Engineer and duly concurred by the concerned representative.6. The Civil Society Groups shall be involved in monitoring of the procurement and implementation of the RSBP.
b. Likewise, to prevent duplication of recipient schools in the DepEd Basic Educational Facilities Fund (BEFF) or other school building projects being implemented by LGUs, NGOs and other agencies, the SDSs or their representatives should coordinate with the LGU through the Local School Board (LSB) and other concerned entity in the preparation of the final listing of the recipient schools.
7. Reporting and Submission
In preparing the list of recipient schools, the format in Enclosure No. 2: CY 2012 Regular School Building Program should be strictly followed. The final listing should be prepared in triplicate copies, the original copy to be submitted to the PFSED, duplicate copy to the Regional Office (RO) and the third copy to be retained at the Division Office (DO) concerned.-