This INSET resource shows different ways of using Hex-a-Flex blocks to explore fractions & geometric concepts. In this workshop participants will be shown different ways of using Hex-a-flex blocks to explore fractions and geometric concepts. Participants will be involved in experiencing a range of hands-on activities. Time will be provided for participants to collaboratively create a hex-a-flex activity to be trialled in their classrooms.
Concept of fraction, fraction model, teaching strategy, geometric shapes
Many pupils experience difficulty in developing an understanding of fractions. It is well documented that the use of concrete materials can assist pupils to grasp an understanding of basic fraction concepts and the relationship among them. To enable teachers to provide students with more concrete learning experiences sets of hex-a-flex blocks have been given to all the PROBE elementary schools. This workshop will provide participants with sample activities that can be used to explore fractions and geometric concepts.

Target Audience:
Grades V - VI Math Teachers
2 hours