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Training-Workshop for NSTIC and Regional Trainers on the Use and Care of Science Equipment with Content Integration

To ensure maximum utilization and proper care of various science equipment distributed to the recipient public secondary schools nationwide, the National Science Teaching Instrumentation Center (NSTIC) will conduct the Training-Workshop for NSTIC and Regional Trainers on the Use and Care of Science Equipment with Content Integration for five (5) days per batch on the following schedules and venues:

June 6-10, 2011
Ecotech, Lahug, Cebu City
VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, Caraga, and ARMM

June 13-17, 2011

Ecotech, Lahug, Cebu City

This activity aims to:
  1. prepare the NSTIC and Regional Trainers to conduct the regional level training-workshop for the public secondary science teachers of the recipient schools;
  2. familiarize the trainers on the functionality, application and the required maintenance work of the science equipment with reference to the 2010 Secondary Education Curriculum (SEC);
  3. raise the level of competence, self-esteem and self-confidence of regional trainers so that they will be fully and completely prepared to train their peers or fellow science teachers during the training workshop; and
  4. validate and finalize the NSTIC-developed training manuals to be used during the regional training.
The participants to this activity are science teachers carefully selected by their respective regional and division science supervisors based on the criteria set by the NSTIC and the Regional Science Supervisors during the Consultative Meeting held on August 23, 2010 at Ecotech Center, Lahug, Cebu City.

The regional directors (RDs) and schools division/city superintendents (SDSs) are encouraged to send their nominated participants to the said training-workshop. Every region should have the following number of participants:

Subject Area
No. of Participants
a. Integrated Science
b. Biology
c. Chemistry
d. Physics
e. Division Science Supervisor
f. Regional Science Supervisor

Please see the following enclosures for reference:
  1. Enclosure No. 1: Criteria in Selecting the Regional Trainers; (see below)
  2. Enclosure No. 2: Official List of the selected regional participants; (click here to download)
  3. Enclosure No. 3: Training Design; (click here to download)
Payment for the board and lodging of the participants and facilitators, resource persons with allowable honoraria, purchase of training materials, consumables and other related expenses shall be charged to NSTIC MOOE Fund for Training or Human Resource Training and Development Fund (HRTD) whichever is available, subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations. However, travel expenses and per diem of the regional participants will be charged to local funds subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations.

All participants are required to report to the venue on Day 0 for the registration. The first meal wi11 be dinner of Day 0, and the last meal will be dinner of Day 5. They are required to attend punctually all the sessions and the workshop, and to bring one (1) Laptop per subject area per region and the following:

Each Participant
Materials to Bring
Integrated Science
at least three (3) reference materials/textbooks
at least three (3) reference materials/textbooks
at least three (3) reference materials/textbooks, empty shoe box, calculator, ruler, scissors, cutter, and USB
at least three (3) reference materials/textbooks, calculator, and USB

This training-workshop will be facilitated by the personnel of DepEd NSTIC. However, hiring of additional resource persons shall be authorized.

For more information, please visit Ms. Natalie O. Olis/Mr. Marvin S. Maquilas from the DepEd-NSTIC Ecotech Compound, Sudlon, Lahug, Cebu City or contact them at telephone nos.: (032) 255-3633 to 35; fax no.: (032) 255-3005; mobile phone no.: 0906-2338-659; or send a message through e-mail address: depednstic@yahoo.com.

Enclosure No. 1: Criteria in Selecting the Regional Trainers

Science I:
  1. Priority in selection will be given to science teachers from recipient schools of NSTIC distributed science equipment.
  2. Not more than 45 years old, physically and mentally fit.
  3. Integrated Science major, with food grasp of earth science, astronomy, meteorology.
  4. At least 3 years recent teaching experience Integrated Science with masters degree/units preferred.
  5. With some technical skills.
  6. Willing to stay in his/her school for the next 3 years.
Science II :
  1. Priority in section will be given to science teachers from recipient schools of NSTIC distributed science equipment.
  2. Not more than 45 years old, physically and mentally fit.
  3. Biology major, or allied course per service training e.g. nursing.
  4. At least 3 years recent teaching experience Biology, with masters degree/units preferred.
  5. With some technical skills.
  6. Willing to stay in his/her school for the next 3 years.
Science III :
  1. Priority in section will be given to science teachers from recipient schools of NSTIC distributed science equipment.
  2. Not more than 45 years old, physically and mentally fit.
  3. Chemistry major, or allied course per service training e.g.    chemical engineering.
  4. At least 3 years recent teaching experience Chemistry, with masters degree/units preferred
  5. With some technical skills.
  6. Willing to stay in his/her school for the next 3 years.
Science IV :
  1. Priority in section will be given to science teachers from recipient schools of NSTIC distributed science equipment.
  2. Not more than 45 years old, physically and mentally fit,
  3. Physics major/certificate program, or allied course per service training e.g. mechanical engineering.
  4. At least 3 years recent teaching experience Chemistry, with masters degree/units preferred
  5. With some technical skills.
  6. Willing to stay in his/her school for the next 3 years.
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"Training-Workshop for NSTIC and Regional Trainers on the Use and Care of Science Equipment with Content Integration" was written by Mary under the Schools / Universities category. It has been read 3116 times and generated 2 comments. The article was created on and updated on 24 May 2011.
Total comments : 2
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Janette R. Gonzales [Entry]

when will be the seminar for teachers of the recipient of the science equipments?