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What Are The Benefits Of The Mayana Plant? (Answer) MAYANA – The Mayana Plant isn’t just something you put on for display! Obviously, thi

What Are The Benefits Of The Mayana Plant? (Answer)

MAYANA – The Mayana Plant isn’t just something you put on for display! Obviously, this plant is pleasing to the eyes, but it can also be pleasing to our bodies.For many plantitos and plantitas, the Mayana is known for its medicinal properties. As such, in this article, we will be talking about the benefits we could get from the painted coleus, also known as the Mayana.

Image from: Sony’s Garden

Natural AnalgesicWhether your working at the office or at home, there would always be times that we’d experience headache and pains. Luckily, we could use the Mayana for its natural analgesic properties.

According to an article from Sony’s Garden, the Mayana has isolated compounds from its leaves that we could use. Simply crush the leaves and applying them to the temple and nape have been seen to produce relieving effects.

Antimicrobial Properties

For minor wounds and cuts, scientific studies reveal that using Mayana for its antimicrobial properties can offer relief. Extracts crushed from the leaves can be used to disinfect wounds because of this.


Crushed mayana leaves can be administered immediately to sprains and burns. This is due to the mayana’s inherent anti-inflammatory qualities, which help to alleviate swelling and discomfort.

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"What Are The Benefits Of The Mayana Plant? (Answer) MAYANA – The Mayana Plant isn’t just something you put on for display! Obviously, thi" was written by Mary under the Schools / Universities category. It has been read 1041 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on and updated on 06 September 2021.
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