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What Exactly Is A Manunggul Jar? (Answer) MANUNGGUL JAR – There are several items in the Philippines’ history that hold great significanc

What Exactly Is A Manunggul Jar? (Answer)

MANUNGGUL JAR – There are several items in the Philippines’ history that hold great significance to our culture as a people. Among these items can be found within the Manunggul caves. Primarily, these caves can be seen in Lipuun Pt., Palawan. Furthermore, items found inside the cave are studied to be from 895-775 BC.

 A secondary burial jar was discovered in Manunggul Cave, Lipuun Point, Palawan, in the early 1960s. Curvilinear scroll motifs are etched on the upper portion of the jar, as well as the cover, and painted with natural iron or hematite.A boat with two human figurines signifying two souls on a journey to the afterlife sits atop the jar cover or lid. The boatman is seated behind a man with his hands crossed across his chest. When arranging the corpse, the location of the hands is a traditional Filipino habit.

Moreover, this jar serves as a traditional “burial jar” that was created by a master potter. Additionally, scholars have attributed the effort into designing the jar as the Filipino’s significant belief in life after death.

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"What Exactly Is A Manunggul Jar? (Answer) MANUNGGUL JAR – There are several items in the Philippines’ history that hold great significanc" was written by Mary under the Schools / Universities category. It has been read 1150 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on and updated on 06 September 2021.
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