In Citibank online banking, you can save your transaction details to your computer by clicking Download Account Activity under your list of accounts.
 Select the Activity Period and the Account(s) that you would like to download. Next, select a Format you would like the Account Activity to be delivered in. You can choose any of the following file types/formats according to your need: - QIF (Quicken, Microsoft Money - 2-digit year)
- OFX (Open Financial Exchange)
- CSV (Comma Separated Value)
- QIF (Quicken, Microsoft Money - 4-digit year)
You can then choose to save or open the file to your computer. -
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"How to Download Your Account Transactions in Citibank Online Banking" was written by Mary under the Banking category. It has been read 9031 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on 01 August 2011 and updated on 01 August 2011.