Did you forgot the ATM PIN? Or did you enter incorrect PIN up to three times or up to the maximum tries that the ATM (machine) allows you to enter? I guess you've done either of one of the two. It might really a hassle for your especially if you badly needed to withdraw money in the ATM and your PNB ATM card has been blocked after trying to enter PIN many times. Note: PNB (stands for Philippine National Bank). Do you want to unblock your PNB ATM card? You can choose any of the three options:

Option 1
If you want to avoid the hassle of going to the bank, you can call PNB customer service or hotline number: (02) 573-8888. Ask a customer service representative to unblock your ATM card.
Option 2
If you live near a PNB branch or if you're convenient to go to a PNB branch, go to the bank. Inside the bank, go to the New Accounts or Customer Service section and ask any bank officer that you want to unblock your atm card.
Option 3
You may wait after 24 hours (1 day) and your ATM card will be automatically unblocked.
Why do PNB limit ATM PIN access up to three (3) incorrect tries?
You might wonder why do banks limit the number of ATM PIN access. Most of the banks including PNB allow up to three (3) times only. After entering three incorrect PIN, your ATM card will be blocked from accessing the ATM (machine). Why? Because it's a security feature which avoids illegal acts such as unauthorized use of your ATM card.
- https://www.affordablecebu.com/