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What To Do If You Lost Your BDO Passbook?

Sometimes in your busy life, you neglect to keep your BDO Passbook safe. You keep on searching the lost BDO Passbook inside your house or in your office. You might forget the Passbook and misplace to somewhere else. Or someone might stole it. You're worried because it is where you keep your hard-earned money right? Then, these are the steps you should do if you lost that precious Banco de Oro (BDO) Passbook.
BDO Passbook
A BDO Passbook

Step 1

Prepare and bring the following requirements:
  • 2 valid ID's. 
  • Declaration of Loss (notarization not required)if the account balance is equal to or less than Php 20,000.00 or US$ 1,000.00, or Affidavit of Loss (notarization required-by customer) if the account balance is more than Php 20,000.00 or US$ 1,000.00.
  • 100 pesos for the replacement fee/charge of Passbook
Note: Notarization is duly signed by a certified lawyer. You can go to the Notary Public for the notarization.

Step 2

Visit your Branch of Account (BOA) or the BDO Branch where you opened the Passbook. And go to the Customer Care/Service Section of the Bank and tell the bank officer that you lost your Passbook.

Step 3

Your Branch of Account will collect a fee of 100 pesos (this is the BDO Passbook Replacement Fee).
Do you have any concern with your BDO Passbook?
- https://www.affordablecebu.com/

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"What To Do If You Lost Your BDO Passbook?" was written by Mary under the Banking category. It has been read 42029 times and generated 11 comments. The article was created on and updated on 19 January 2013.
Total comments : 11
Rizlfr [Entry]

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Melanie aquias [Entry]

I lost my bankbook but i have the copy and my atm is expired and now the pronkem is im not in philippines already im here in cyprus hiw can i replace my bank account passbook and change my atm
James [Entry]

Hello po, what if nawala po ang Junior Savings account with less than 10,000 na amount po?
Gladyz [Entry]

Hi...can i declare and replace my lost passbook in different branch of BDO...for example i opened my accnt in hongkong and im in the phil right now..unfortunately i lost my passbook and and all my budget are there..so how can i withdraw it without goingback to hk...cause honestly i don't have enough money right now..so im hoping i can have it.

sasa [Entry]

Hi good day! Is this the same for bpi passbook replacement? If not what are the requirements and steps for securing a passbook replacement from BPI. I misplaced mine in our house and couldn't seem to find it. Thanks
Mickey Lindo [Entry]

Where can I find the right Declaration of Loss to submit? I can only find Declaration of Loss, and even those automatically cancel my account. I tried online, but I can't know for sure what the right form is.
Fat [Entry]

Can i go to the other bdo branch? Not where i opened my passbook
grace [Entry]

i lost my father's passbook few weeks ago and my father is an overseas worker. Since he is not able to go back here and process the lost passbook, how can i get a replacement as soon as possible?
Susan Ranoa Casenas [Entry]

Way back August 2012.I opened an account in Metro Bank Jagna Bohol.My passbook was stolen and was seen posted by somebody in her facebook global . Since Im here in Michigan ,I cant do nothing ,except for you to change my account.Please advise me what to do. I apologize for the inconvenience I may cause you .Thank you so much. Susan R, Casenas 28601 Imperial Drive Apt B272 Warren Michigan 48093
Regina Mabalatan [Entry]

This is reaallly helpful! It has been 2 years since I am hoping it would turn up (though it's just really a 'dummy')
Erico F. de Vera [Entry]

How many of money Mr. Erico F. de Vera your BDO Passbook