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2GO Terms and Conditions of Contract - Airway Bill

One of the major logistics provider in the Philippines, 2GO offers shipping or delivery services around the world.
As a 2GO customer, it's very important to know the Terms and Conditions of Contract of its Airway Bill in order to be prepared of undesirable circumstances such as:
  • In general, what are some packages that 2GO prohibits?
  • What if the package your sent is lost or damage by 2GO? What's the liability of 2GO?
  • How much is 2GO willing to pay for packages that are lost or damaged?
  • Is 2GO liable to pay the packages if they're damage by storm, earthquake, tsunami or any acts of Gods?
  • How many day(s) is required for the packaged to be picked-up by the consignee/receiver?
  • What to do if the consignee/receiver fails to pay the package in case of door-to-door freight collect payment method?
Answers of these questions are answered in the Terms of Conditions below. Take note of the underlined statements.

2GO Terms and Conditions of Contract - Airway Bill

1.  The charges fro carriage having been upon the declared value by the shipper. Shipper aknowledges that he has been given an opportunity to make a true declaration of the value of the goods at delivery and the sum entered on the face of the air waybill as shipper's/consignor's declared value for carriage constitutes the true value of the goods. Shipper guarantees payment of all charges and allowances. It is agreed that the carriers liability if any for loss destruction damage or deterioration of the goods shall in no event exceed the shipper's declared value for carriage stated on the lace thereof.

2.  Carriage hereunder and other services performed by the carrier are subject to (1) applicable laws decrees government regulations order and requirement (11) provision herein setforth and (111) applicable tariffs values regulations and timetables except the lime of departure and arrival of such carrier which are made part hereof and which may be inspected at any of the Carrier's offices and at airports from which Carrier operates regular services.

3.  The shipper warrants that the particular declared by him in this air waybill are true and correct that the party who caused the godds to be shipped is authorized to commit the shipper to the terms and conditions hereof that the goods are not perishable fragile or easily breakable e unless otherwise declared in writing before shipment and prescribed freight rate fully paid the goods being adequately and properly packed or stuffed that the goods are not among those considered as dangerous goods  or possessions of which is prohibited by the law or regulation or those that may not be transported without permit from the authorities. Any and all damages to the carrier arising from any misrepresentation false or incorrect declaration made by the shipper or the person who caused the particulars to be placed herein whether specifically instructed by the shipper or not shad for the account of the shipper.

4.  It is discretionary on the Carrier to refuse to transport cargo if there is reasonable grounds to believe that the packages had been tampered before actual acceptance the by they Carrier with defective or inadequate packaging or improper stuffing in case of container or when not accompanied by permit or certificated from the authorities if so required for the transportation of the goods.

5.  Neither the aircraft, the owner, agent, operator, pilot or employees of the Carrier shall be liable for loss or damage arising from but not limited to acts of God- perils of the air and other accidents act or war of public enemies including pirates or insurgents arrest or restraint by process rulers of people or government seizure under legal process quarantine restrictions, acts of ommission of shipper or owner of the goods, his agents or representative strikes or lockout boycott or picket; restraint of labor partial or general riots - or civil commotions wastage inbulk in weight or those caused by evaporation chemical reaction or those arising from defects quality or vice of the goods insufficient packing directive or inadequate container; latent defects or infirmities of the goods not discoverable by due diligence and any other cause arising without actual fault or privity of the Carrier including breakage of contents shipped in used old or second handbag crate package or container not fit for the purpose of transporting said goods.

6.  The Carrier does not undertake that the goods will arrive at the airport of destination at any particular time, or to meet any particular market so for any particular one or purpose and shall in no way be liable for loss of profit differential in selling cost or other consequential damages. The Carrier may without notice substitute alternative carriers or an aircraft Carrier assumes no obligation to carry the goods by any specified aircraft over any particular route or routes or to make connections at any point according to any particular schedule and Carrier is hereby authorized to select or deviate from the route or routes of shipment notwithstanding that the same may be stated on the lace hereof.

7.  The goods or packages said to contain the goods described on the lace hereof are accepted to carriage from their receipt at Carrier's terminal or airport office at the place of departure to the airport at the place of destination 11 so specially agreed the goods or packages said to contain the goods described on the face hereof are also accepted for forwarding to the airport of departure and for the reforwarding beyond the airport of destination if such forwarding or reforwarding is by carriage operated by Carrier, such carriage shall be upon the same terms as to liability set forth in paragraph 2, 4 and 6 hereof, the owner or the consignee, hereby authorizes Carrier to do all things deemed advisable to effect such forwarding or reforwarding including, but without limitation, selection of the means of forwarding or reforwarding and the routes thereof execution and acceptance of documents of carriage (which may include provisions exempting or limiting liability) and consigning of goods with no declaration of value not withstanding any declaration of value in this air waybill.

8.  Carrier is authorized (but shall be under no obligation) to advance any duties, taxes, fees or charges and to make any disbursements with respect to the goods, and the shipper, owner and consignee shall be jointly and severally liable for the reimbursement thereof. Carrier shall be under no obligation to incur any expense or make any advance in connection with forwarding and reforwarding of the goods except upon prearrangement by the shipper.

9.  (a) No action shall be maintained in the case of damage to goods unless a written notice sufficiently describing the goods concerned amount claimed the approximate date of the damage the details claim and attached thereto a photocopy of the shippers air waybill copy, is presented to any office or Carrier within 7 days from the date of receipt thereof in the case of delay, unless presented within 14 days from the date the goods are placed at the disposal of the person entitled to delivery and in the case of loss including non-delivery unless presented within 120 days from the date of issue of the air waybills.

     (b) Any rights to damages against Carrier shall extinguished unless an action is brought within 2 years after the occurence of the events giving rise to the claim.

10. (a) In case of airport to airport services, it is the duty of the Consignee to withdraw the shipment from the Carrier 24 hours after service of notice.

    (b) In case of door-to-door services specially, freight collect made payment, the consignee shall tender payment upon delivery of the cargo. Otherwise the said cargo shall be kept in the Carriers storage area and it is the duty of the consignee to retrieve the said cargo from the Carrier.

Failure to do so shall be a ground fro the Carrier to charge to consignee the regular rates from storage fees to commence one day after 24 hour leadtime has lapsed in case (a) above and the following day in case (b) above after actual delivery.

11.  Perishable goods are always considered under Owner's Risk should be properly and accurately declared upon shipment and the Carrier shall in no event be liable for any loss or damage to the said cargo unless there is gross negligence on the part of the Carrier.

12.  No employee, agent, servant, or representative of Carrier has authority to alter, modify or waive any provisions of this contract.

13.  The shipper or its duly authorized representative acknowledges that he has read, understood and conforms to the above terms and conditions before signing on the space provided herein.

14.  In case of litigations as to the interpretation and breach of any of the above stated provisions any of the parties may file the necessary Civil and /or Criminal action with the court of competent jurisdiction in the City of Pasay.
- https://www.affordablecebu.com/

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"2GO Terms and Conditions of Contract - Airway Bill" was written by Mary under the Business category. It has been read 5342 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on and updated on 19 November 2012.
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