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How to Type Letter Enye (ñ) in Laptop Keyboard?

If you're an average computer user, you may find it hard to type the letter ñ (enye) in your laptop keyboard.

Others find it hard to remember the characters to press in order to create the letter ñ (enye).

So, here's a quick guide for you to type that awesome and cute letter enye - ñ.
There are many options to choose.

Option 1

Use Numpad (Numeric Pad). If your laptop keyboard has a Numpad (Numeric Pad), you can create letter enye (ñ) by holding the Alt button in your keyboard while entering number 165 (in numpad). The Numeric Pad is located at the right side of the keyboard. The one with a set of numbers with mathematical operations (plus, minus, Enter button, etc.)

  • Alt 165 --> this will create small letter enye

Type letter enye

To create small letter enye using Numpad:
  • Alt 164 = this will create small letter ñ
  • Alt 0241 = this will create small letter ñ also
To create big or capital letter enye using Numpad:
  • Alt 165 --> this will create capital letter Ñ
  • Alt 0209 --> this will create capital letter Ñ also
If you your laptop keyboard doesn't have a Numpad, use Character Map stated in Option 2 below.

Option 2

Use Character Map. You can access Character Map by going to Start Menu Button --> enter Character Map on the search field. If the Character Map appears, click on it. The Character Map window will appear. Then find the letter ñ (enye) and click on the letter. Then, select and copy it.

Letter Enye - ñ

Then paste it (by pressing Ctrl + V) wherever you want, for example in a Microsoft Office Word document, Text Document or Notepad, in a web browser, in a website, etc.

Hint: You can also access Character Map by going to Start Menu button --> All Programs --> Accessories --> System Tools --> Character Map.

Option 3

This is the easiest one. Just copy the letter ñ and paste it wherever you want. Here are some samples of letter ñ (enye) that you can copy:

ñ  ñ  ñ  Ñ  Ñ  Ñ
Have fun in creating letter ñ...
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"How to Type Letter Enye (ñ) in Laptop Keyboard?" was written by Mary under the Computers, Tricks, Tips category. It has been read 817725 times and generated 16 comments. The article was created on and updated on 03 April 2018.
Total comments : 14
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Thank you. :)
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Elrene [Entry]

muchas gracias Ññ
mervin bernales [Entry]

Thank you!

Thank you very much...
Mark Christopher Danas [Entry]

What about if my laptop doesn't have numeric keys what is the other possibli key sir/ma'am ?
Lady Claire Katipunan [Entry]

Thank You :)
Lady Claire Katipunan [Entry]

Thank You :)
Kurt Justine Silang [Entry]

you can use (only for ms word 2010) ctrl+shift+`+n then change case (near the font)
christian [Entry]

Geziel Joy Albaladejo [Entry]

yayugr@yahoo.com [Entry]

Salamat sa inyo