If you are having problems with using Talk 'N Text services, you can contact its customer service phone number.
Just call this in your phone: *888 or *777.
Or you can also contact Talk 'N Text hotline number: (02) 888-1111.
Other telephone numbers you can contact for help: - (02) 511-4105
- (02) 511-2643
- (02) 511-3803
Fax numbers: - (02) 511-2286
- (02) 511-3222
Did you find any trouble contacting the numbers above? Just post your problems and concerns below in the comment. - https://www.affordablecebu.com/
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"Talk 'N Text Customer Service | Hotline Number" was written by Mary under the Directory category. It has been read 145660 times and generated 1708 comments. The article was created on 25 June 2012 and updated on 25 June 2012.