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National Conference on the K to 12 Basic Education Framework of the Philippines Normal University (PNU)

The Philippine Normal University (PNU) will conduct the National Conference on the K to 12 Basic Education Framework with the theme "Developing the Framework of the Teacher Education Program for the K to 12 Curriculum: Benchmarking with International Standards" on July 20-22, 2011 at the Edilberto Dagot Hall, Philippine Normal University (PNU), Taft Avenue, Manila.
The conference aims to:
  1. update the participants on the framework of the K to 12 Curriculum as an input in designing the framework of the teacher education curriculum;
  2. enable them to reflect on the implications of the K to 12 Curriculum to new teacher education;
  3. compare the different models in teacher education in general and in the various disciplines;
  4. address the issues and concerns in teacher education; and
  5. provide a venue for the exchange of ideas towards the development of the framework of the new teacher education curriculum vis-a-vis the proposed K to 12 program in the Philippines, which is benchmarked with international standards.
The participants to this activity are the administrators, deans, directors, academic heads, and curriculum specialists of the Teacher Education Institutions (TEIs) and the educational leaders of basic education schools.

A registration fee of Three Thousand Five Hundred Pesos (PhP3,500.00) will be charged to each participant inclusive of convention kit, snacks and lunch.

For registration details, further information and/or queries, coordinate with Dr. Marilyn U. Balagtas at mobile phone no.: 0920-953-2926; or at telefax no.: (02) 527-0366 or send a message through e-mail address: mubalagtas@yahoo.com. - https://www.affordablecebu.com/

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"National Conference on the K to 12 Basic Education Framework of the Philippines Normal University (PNU)" was written by Mary under the Events category. It has been read 4910 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on and updated on 08 June 2011.
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