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National Qualifying Examination for School Heads (NQESH) 2012

The Department of Education (DepEd) through the National Educators Academy of the Philippines (NEAP) shall administer simultaneously the 2012 National Qualifying Examination for School Heads (NQESH) on November 11, 2012.

Update: Results of NQESH 2012 is posted at "NQESH 2013 Results"
The 2012 NQESH is open to all aspirants for Principal I position and all applicants under the Reclassification of School Heads Position (RSHP) as required under DepEd Order No. 97, s. 2011 entitled "Revised Guidelines on the Allocation and Reclassification of School Head Positions."

The examination shall serve as a mechanism for selecting competent school heads in the public basic education sector who will perform their functions upon assumption to duty. The aspirant must have an experience of at least five (5) years in the aggregate as head teacher, teacher-in-charge, master teacher and teacher III, consistent with DepED Memorandum No. 140, s. 2009 entitled "Corrigendum to DepED Memorandum No. 97, s. 2009 (2009 National Qualifying Examination for Principals)."

The NQESH will cover the following dimensions of school leadership:
  1. School Leadership;
  2. Instructional Leadership;
  3. Creating A Learning Climate;
  4. Professional Human Resource Development;
  5. Parent Involvement and Building Communities;
  6. School Management and Daily Operations;
  7. Personal Integrity and Interpersonal Sensitivity;
  8. English Language Proficiency; and
  9. Reading Comprehension.
The time allocation for the examination shall be three (3) hours and fifteen (15) minutes.

The following are the deadlines and guidelines in the filing and processing of application forms:
  1. The deadline for filing the application form at the respective division offices (DOs) shall be on or before October 11, 2012;
  2. All regional offices (ROs) shall submit the list of applicants to the NEAP Central Office on or before October 15, 2012 through depedneap central@yahoo.com;
  3. The ROs are advised to send or farm out the template of the application form to the DOs for reproduction;
  4. All aspirants shall secure a copy of the application form from their respective DOs and file the same at the DO where the application form has been secured;
  5. The DOs shall be responsible in processing the application forms to determine the qualifications and eligibility of the aspirants who will take the 2012 NQESH; and
  6. There shall be no extension of the deadline of filing of application forms at the DOs as well as the transmittal of the list of examinees to the NEAP Central Office (CO).
The amount of registration fees, collections and guidelines in the transfer of funds to NEAP CO are as follows:
  1. The registration fee is placed at Eight Hundred Fifty Pesos (PhP850.00) to defray various costs relative to the administration of the examination, e.g. production of scannable test booklets, automated generation and processing of the results, airfreight and handling fees of scannable test booklets, communications, transportation expenses of examination teams from NEAP CO, honoraria of all staff from CO, ROs, DOs, involved in the pre-post work and actual conduct of the examination, development and production of Examiners Manual, item writers workshop, certificates of rating, supplies and materials, administration and management cost, among others;
  2. The registration fees shall be collected by the NEAP Personnel in the Regional Testing Competency Assessment Unit/Regional Testing Center and each examinee shall be issued a corresponding official receipt by the collecting staff/ personnel from the Regional Center/ NEAP in the Region; and
  3. The total collection shall then be transferred by the Regional NEAP to the NEAP CO three (3) days after receipt of the Billing Statement from the latter. An official receipt will be issued by the NEAP CO upon submission of evidence of transfer of funds by the Regional NEAP.
The RDs shall designate a Regional Coordinator who will be responsible in overseeing and supervising the preparation and the actual administration of the examination at the regional level. The name of the Regional Coordinator-designate should be transmitted to the NEAP CO not later than August 4, 2012.

To ensure a smooth and orderly conduct of the 2012 NQESH, the NEAP CO shall conduct the National Planning Workshop and Orientation of Regional Coordinators to discuss the pre-work requirements and mechanics during the actual conduct of the examination related activities. The exact date and venue of the workshop and orientation will be announced through a DepEd Advisory to be issued by the NEAP CO.

The examination will be held on November 11, 2012 from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. simultaneously in the following testing centers:

RegionTesting CenterLocation
ILa Union National High SchoolSan Fernando City, La Union
IICagayan National High SchoolTuguegarao City
IIIAngeles Central Elementary SchoolSan Fernando, Angeles City
IV-APedro Guevara Central SchoolSta. Cruz, Laguna
IV-BPuerto Princesa National High SchoolPuerto Princesa City
VTabaco National High SchoolTabaco City
VIIloilo National High SchoolIloilo City
VIIAbellana National High SchoolCebu City
VIIILeyte National High SchoolTacloban City
IXZamboanga City High SchoolZamboanga City
XCagayan de Oro City High SchoolCagayan de Oro City
XIDavao City National High SchoolDavao City
XIIKoronadal National High SchoolKoronadal, South Cotabato
NCRSan Francisco High SchoolBago Bantay, Quezon City
CARBaguio City National High SchoolBaguio City
CaragaButuan City National High SchoolButuan City

All examinees from ARMM can file their application forms and can take the examination in the following ROs: IX, X, XI, and XII.

To ensure the smooth conduct and integrity of the examination, the NEAP CO personnel and staff have crafted the following guidelines for strict compliance of the Regional Testing Coordinators:
  1. assign only 24 examinees in every testing room;
  2. designate at least one (1) chief examiner;
  3. assign one (1) supervising examiner for every three (3) testing rooms;
  4. allocate one (1) examiner and one (1) proctor per test booklet distribution and retrieval;
  5. provide a secure spacious area for test booklet distribution and retrieval;
  6. assign one (1) roving general errand staff for every ten (10) testing rooms;
  7. provide medical staff and legal officer;
  8. ensure that all testing rooms are well lighted;
  9. avoid the use of children's desks as examination chairs; and
  10. refrain from selecting the testing rooms across or right beside a rest room, and laboratory rooms as testing rooms.
All staff who will be involved in the preparation and administration of the examination shall be tapped from the ROs, DOs, and NEAP CO.

For further inquiries, concerned officials, personnel and staff may contact any of the following:

Mr. Antonio G. Ordovez, Jr.
National Project Manager
National Educators Academy of the Philippines (NEAP)
Mobile Phone No.: 09183367467

Mr. Eric Herrera
Resource Coordinator, NEAP
Telephone No.: (02) 635-4796
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"National Qualifying Examination for School Heads (NQESH) 2012" was written by Mary under the Events category. It has been read 64785 times and generated 267 comments. The article was created on and updated on 26 March 2013.
Total comments : 267
Bjigig [Entry]

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kiko [Entry]

good day!

i would like to inquire about the nqesh review. do you have a schedule review intended for december 7, 2017 exam? i am interested to enroll for it is my first time to take the exam. i am teaching in las pinas city.

thank you.
francisco gayrama corpin
RHOD [Entry]

This coming November 16, 2016 will be my first time to take the NQESH, I do not have enough reviewer for the test. Please share copies of reviewer and send to my email address. Thank you so much and more power!!!
Chezca Kim [Entry]

Good day! can I ask a copy of the NQESH reviwer?kindly sent it to my email Tagalogf@yahoo.com. thank you and God bless.
Chezca Kim [Entry]

Good Day!!can ask for a copy of the NQESH reviewer??kindly sent to my email please. This is my email address: Tagalogf@yahoo.com. thank you very much
joy divine u. malupa [Entry]

good day thank you for posting all the comments. May I have a copy of NQESH reviewer?please send to my email..
thanks and God bless you all!
cipriano cunado [Entry]

Good day! may i ask a copy of NQESH reviewer? thanks and more power...here's my number 09071034181
JONISA [Entry]

can i ask for NQUESH reviewer. thanks. text me at 09124811736.
Fe Antonette L. Dequina [Entry]

can i have a copy of NQUESh reviewer pls.text me pls. on how to avail 09061247177.almost 1 month am looking for a reviewer,no result at all
Jorenda C. Binas [Entry]

Can I have a copy of NQUESH reviewer..please email in my add...thanks..or you can text me 09174409069..
Rakhan E. Cerbito [Entry]

Kindly furnish your copy for reviewer for principal examination. thank you and more power.

Good day. Can I have a copy of the NQUESH reviewer. Thanks and May GOD bless u more
Gemvel Balbona [Entry]

can i asked for a reviewer for principal exam and please do email it to me...THANK YOU VERY MUCH AND MORE POWER!!!
Mildred Oniot [Entry]

Thank you for the author of this blog.kindly send us your NQESH REVIEWER in my email add..mildredoniot@gmail.com.

Thank you very much and God bless you
Irene Solico [Entry]

Thank you for the author of this blog. It helps the future principal to pass the exam and excel it. Need an effective NQESH REVIEWER? text this 09307335353. Thank you.
enerine torillo [Entry]



enerine torillo [Entry]

pasend naman po sa email ko ng mga reviewer po sa principal exam? pls? enerinetorilo@yahoo.com.ph

melchor amorin [Entry]

Please provide me a copy of NQESH Reviewers through my e-mail melchamorin@yahoo.com.
Thank you very much and God bless!!!!
Anjhally Tanggote [Entry]

Good evening po. Saan po ang reviewer center nyo for nqesh specifically in CDO and Iligan City, Mindanao? Sad to say I'm not one of those lucky who passed the recent exam. I also read in some of the DepEd bloggers that there is a score swapping? How is that possible? Is that true?

One more thing po, can I request a copy of your nqesh reviewer so I may have something to study at home. You can email it at me if pag bbgyan nyo po requests ko.

Thanks and more power.
Joel Garcia [Entry]

Hello, good day! Please e-mail me a NQESH revier in pdf format!. Thanks and more power!
Raymundo S. Poral [Entry]

Good day..Pls provide me a copy of NQESH Reviewers.. Thank you and God bless...
Sabina Terencio [Entry]

Please provide me a copy of NQESH Reviewers. Thank you!
Jocelyn Salac [Entry]

Kindly provide me a copy of NQESH Reviewers. Thank you! Godspeed
Mary Ann B. Orencia [Entry]

Please provide me a copy of NQESH Reviewer. Thank you.
Nimfa Asuque [Entry]

Pls. provide me a copy of your NQESH reviewer. Thank you and God bless
Ofelia M. Del Mundo [Entry]

Kindly share me the sample test items used in NQESH, your immediate response is highly appreciated thank you so much and GOD Bless always
lilian d perez [Entry]

kindly help me to have a reviewer in nqesh
Alicia B. Ortega [Entry]

Kindly email me a nqesh reviewer in pdf format. my email ad alice_b.ortega@yahoo.com. tnx and God bless

please email me the nqesh reviewer in pdf format my email ad ernesto_alva2000@yahoo.com . god bless.

please email me the nqesh reviewer in pdf format.
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