Everyday many of you receive emails from certain people around the world. Some emails are from trusted people or trusted/established companies. But some are from suspicious people who asks for personal information. Especially if you have a Paypal account, you might receive one of those emails that pretends to be coming from Paypal. And that is the time you should be cautious before you believe in the emails you receive from email addresses that looks like a real Paypal email address.
To avoid scam or fraud and to help you identify fake Paypal email addresses, here's a list of fake Paypal email addresses that you should be aware of: - PayfundPal@europe.com
- paypalaccountservice@mail2online.com
- paypalconfirmation2@consultant.com
- paypal_customer_care@mail.com
- Paypalcashonlineapproved@accountant.com
- paypalcashaccountapproved@business1.com
- checkingpay_us@accountant.com
- admin@secure-paypal.com
- trackingverificationsection@consultant.com
- customercareupdate@accountant.com
- service@paypalf.com
- customers_unit@execs.com
- shipmentdetails_helpdesk@consultant.com
- paypal@
- PayPal@service
These fake Paypal email addresses are growing in numbers. They are created by people who want to scam you. Always remember: Never, never, never click any link from your email that asks for your personal information. Every time you receive an email from Paypal, the safest way to open your Paypal account is by: - opening a new browser
- type https://www.paypal.com in the url address
- log-in to your Paypal account directly
Information Paypal would never ask for in an email are: - Your full name
- Passwords
- Email addresses
- Credit and debit card numbers
- Bank account numbers
- Driver's license numbers
If you receive fake emails coming from suspicious Paypal email addresses, kindly post the email address in the comment below. - https://www.affordablecebu.com/
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"List of Fake Paypal Email Addresses" was written by Mary under the Internet category. It has been read 8040 times and generated 2 comments. The article was created on 12 November 2011 and updated on 12 November 2011.