The University of the Philippines Home Economics Alumnae Association
(UPHEAA) will hold its Seminar-Workshop on September 28, 2011 at the
Philippine Trade Training Center (PTTC), Roxas Boulevard corner Sen. Gil
Puyat, Pasay City.
The objectives of the seminar-workshop are to: - strengthen the teaching capability of the participants from both public and private schools; and
- impart to them the relevant topics in achieving a dynamic career pathways.
The topics to be discussed are the following: - Family entrepreneurship - Start your own business;
- Instructional and toy production for preschool teachers and day care workers;
- Home Care Products; and
- Handicraft and Fashion Accessories.
The participants will be given the opportunity to join different hands-on activities in addition to various lecture-demonstration. The teachers, instructors and professors in Home Economics (HE), Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan (EPP), and Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) from both public and private schools and Home Economics oriented agencies are invited to attend this activity. A registration fee of One Thousand Pesos (PhP1,000.00) will be charged each participant inclusive of lunch, hand-outs and other seminar-related materials. For more information, contact Ms. Cora Claudio, UPHEAA, Room 108 Alumni Center, Magsaysay Avenue, UP Diliman, Quezon City at telephone no.: (02) 920-6873; mobile phone no.: 0928-3905-724; or send a message through e-mail address: -
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"University of the Philippines Home Economics Alumnae Association (UPHEAA) Seminar-Workshop" was written by Mary under the Schools / Universities category. It has been read 2923 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on 26 August 2011 and updated on 26 August 2011.