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Why I can't open my SSS account in SSS website?

You probably have a problem logging-in to your SSS account in SSS website.

One of the reasons that you can't log-in or access to your SSS account is because you either forgot your user id or password.

After several wrong log-in attempts, your SSS account got locked. That's why you can't open your SSS account.

Can't open SSS Account in SSS Website Problem?


You need to reset your SSS Account. How? You can do it thru any of the following options:
  • Go to SSS Office and request for unlocking or resetting your locked SSS account. Don't forget to bring a valid ID such as SSS ID, UMID, Driver's License, etc. If you don't have SSS ID yet, have a copy of your SSS number.
  • Another option is call SSS Customer Service: (02) 920-6446 to 55. This hotline is open from Monday to Saturday (7:00am to 7:00pm). It's closed during weekends and on holidays.
  • Email SSS Customer Service at onlineserviceassistance@sss.gov.ph. You can follow this email format:
To: onlineserviceassistance@sss.gov.ph

Subject: Request to Unlock/Reset My SSS Online Account


I'm Dominador S. Dalisay. My SSS online account at sss.gov.ph has been locked due to many failed attempts. May I request to unlock or reset my account. My SSS details are:

Full Name: Ricardo S. Dalisay
Birthdate: 02/05/1980
SSS Number: 02-1264467-8
Attached below is a scanned copy of my valid ID (any of the following: UMID, Driver's License, SSS ID, Voter's ID, Postal ID, PhilHealth ID, etc.)

I'm waiting for your immediate response.

Best regards,

Ricardo S. Dalisay

Having a Problem in Viewing your SSS Account or SSS Monthly Contributions?

If you already reset your SSS account and can now log-in to your account, you might encounter a problem in viewing your monthly contributions.

Here's a solution on how to view your SSS account and see your SSS Monthly Contributions - "How to View Your SSS Account and Monthly Contributions Online?"

Do you still have a problem in accessing or opening your SSS account? - https://www.affordablecebu.com/

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"Why I can't open my SSS account in SSS website?" was written by Mary under the Philippine Government category. It has been read 30833 times and generated 11 comments. The article was created on and updated on 20 May 2018.
Total comments : 9
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Maria Isabel A. Gohol [Entry]

Why cant I open my SSS account in SSS website?
Aghfuirrep [Entry]

Marissa dapeg Ganaden [Entry]

Not open my i.di.

SSS NUMBER- 0512285180

I can open my sss online due to my account was locked. how can i unlocked my account? thank you very much/
Rodolfo Gabriel [Entry]

I forgot my email and password.

For sss account
Mervin P. Parajes [Entry]

I forgot my username and password.