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How to Transfer Money To Another Person Thru BDO Online Banking?

One of the fastest (instantaneous), and free way to transfer money in the Philippines is thru BDO online banking. Online banking makes life easier and more convenient. And you can transact anytime of the day and anywhere you are thru the internet. Here's how to transfer money to another person thru BDO online banking? Just follow this three (3) simple steps below:
How to Transfer Money to Another Person thru BDO Online Banking?

Step 1

You must have a BDO account enrolled in its online banking facility. When you are already enrolled, log-in to your BDO online banking account and go to Send Money --> To any BDO Account.

How to Transfer Money To Another Person Thru BDO Online Banking (Step 1)?

Fill-out the Send Money form:
  • Source Account: choose the BDO account where you can to get the money to transfer
  • Amount: Amount of money to transfer
  • Destination Account: Enter the BDO Account Number of another person whom you want to transfer money to.
  • Remarks: You can leave this blank.
Then, click the Submit button.

Step 2

Verify the details of the transaction. Check the amount and the destination account carefully. You can cancel if something is wrong. If all details are correct, you can proceed by clicking the Continue button.

How to Transfer Money to Another Person thru BDO Online Banking (Step 2)?

Step 3

Enter the OTP (One-Time-Password) which will be sent to your Mobile Phone.

How to Transfer Money to Another Person thru BDO Online Banking (Step 3)?

After entering the correct OTP, the Send Money (Money Transfer) transaction will become successful and you will be redirected to the Detail Summary Page which confirms the successful transaction.

How to Transfer Money thru BDO Online Banking (Successful Transaction)?

You will then receive a confirmation email which contains a message like this:

How to Transfer Money Thru BDO Online Banking (Email Confirmation)?

Do you have any question or problem with the Send Money (Money Transfer) online service of BDO's online banking facility? - https://www.affordablecebu.com/

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"How to Transfer Money To Another Person Thru BDO Online Banking?" was written by Mary under the Banking category. It has been read 5299 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on and updated on 23 January 2018.
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