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How to Activate BPI ATM PIN

The ATM card of the Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI) has a built-in Personal Identification Number or PIN. The PIN is a security feature of the ATM card that prohibits unauthorized use of your ATM. Thus, someone who is not the owner or who doesn't know the PIN cannot use the ATM.

If you receive your new BPI ATM Card, you should change its PIN immediately. It will be deactivated if you do not change your temporary PIN after 2 banking days from date of receipt.
If your ATM is deactivated after 2 days of its release, there's still hope to activate it again.

How to activate ATM PIN in BPI?

Simple. Just visit any BPI branch and tell a bank officer in the Customer Service section to have your card reactivated. Just bring your valid id. The bank may require you to present a valid id to verify your identity.

BPI ExpressTeller International ATM Card

Why does BPI implement a 2-day ATM PIN change requirement?

Because BPI wanted to add more security to your ATM. Think about this. You have changed your PIN. After a week, you lost your ATM and your old default PIN printed on the paper (the one provided by the bank) and someone (with a bad motive) finds it? That person who found your ATM and PIN cannot use your ATM because you already changed the PIN in 2 days as required by the bank.

The other way around. Think about this again. You didn't change your PIN. After a week, you lost your ATM and your old default PIN printed on the paper and someone (with a bad motive) finds it? That person who found your ATM and PIN still cannot use your ATM or cannot withdraw the money because of BPI's security system that automatically deactivates your ATM if you cannot change your PIN after 2 days.

That's why it's very very important to change the PIN of your new BPI ATM card. That makes your BPI ATM card more secure.
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"How to Activate BPI ATM PIN" was written by Mary under the Banking category. It has been read 27011 times and generated 11 comments. The article was created on and updated on 01 July 2013.
Total comments : 11
Qqyiqw [Entry]

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Elyka [Entry]

Hello! How would I know if my atm was already deactivated? Coz, I would like to know if my first salary was already at my atm account, but whenever I click the balance inquiry.The " transaction cancelled" always occur. Is it possible that my atm was deactivated? Or it is just a notification that i havent got yet my first salary? Thank you. :)
Ruel Rabe [Entry]

2 days after you forgot to change your BPI atm card, what should i do? How to activate the deactivated card?

According to the rule: 2 days after card will be deactivated.
Velamae Amahit [Entry]

I like to active my account
jasmin joy penalber [Entry]

how many months before the expiry o
f atm savings acct with no maintaining balance and cannot save money for 9 months is it possible to the atm
Sheila Laput [Entry]

Hello. I just wana ask how to reactivate my bpi online? I just enrolled another password. while logging in few days later, I forgot that I already changed my pw. Because I had already entered 3 wrong pws, my online banking account was disabled. I called their domestic toll free number but it's not ringing. any thing else I should do? Please feedback. thank you.
Jojelyn [Entry]

Hello! Just want to ask, will my card be deactivated if I didn't use it for a while but still has a remaining balance? I'm really worried because I haven't used mine in a while. Thank you so much.
Belle [Entry]

Hi ! Just wanna ask, How would i know if my atm was already deactivated? Coz, I would like to know if my first salary was already at my atm account, but whenever I will click the balance inquiry.The " transaction cancelled" will always occur. Is it possible that my atm was deactivated? Or it is just a notification that i havent got yet my first salary? Please someone answer me. .. thank you so much and God bless. :)
Nemesis [Entry]

Kudos to BPI for coming up with this added security feature! I can't believe not all banks have this policy. This should be a standard. It definitely reduces risks of unauthorized transactions in cases of theft/misplacement. BDO for one doesn't impose default pin on their cards so the card doesn't get deactivated even after months of not setting a PIN on the card! I will choose BPI over any other banks like BDO!
marga besa [Entry]

What will happen to the money that was deposited in my account if my card was still deactivated because i haven't change my pin number? Thank you!
ime [Entry]

What should i have to do i cannot renew the password, it say i am not allowed to change the password. My atm card was given to me 28 of may. What shoul i have to do with this