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Two ATM Cards with the Same Account Number in BDO: Is it Allowed?

Sometimes, you may come to the point that you want to use two BDO ATM cards with the same account number. One of the many reasons might be to use one ATM card for you and one ATM card for your family member (mother, father, sister, brother or any other family member). This might be useful to those who are working abroad (outside the Philippines) especially to OFWs. You can send money to one BDO account number and either one of your family member will receive the money through ATM.
But is it allowed by Banco de Oro (BDO) to use two ATM cards with the same account number? NO.

BDO ATM Card (photo)

It's only allowed if your account is a Joint Account. If your account is an Individual/Single account, you're not allowed to use two ATM cards.

So, if you want to use two BDO ATM Cards with the same account number, you should apply for a Joint Account.

Do you want BDO to allow Individual accounts to use two ATM cards? What do you think?
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"Two ATM Cards with the Same Account Number in BDO: Is it Allowed?" was written by Mary under the Banking category. It has been read 7451 times and generated 2 comments. The article was created on and updated on 04 July 2013.
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