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Best and Easy Way to Copy Text from a Website with Disabled Right-Click

You probably want to copy text or content from a certain website. But that website has disabled right-click of the mouse. Thus, you're not able to copy the text/content. There's a very easy way to disable the disabled right-click. In other words, a way to successfully right-click on the website and let you copy the texts or important content. Follow the steps below:
Step 1
Install and use Firefox browser.
In the Firefox menu, go to Tools > Options. A new window will pop-up.

Firefox Options

Step 3
In the Options window, go to Content and uncheck Enable Javascript. This will disable the javascript of a website.

Firefox Disable JavaScript

Then, click Ok button.

Step 4
Then refresh the website or webpage. Taaadaaaa. You can now right-click on the website and enable you to copy the text or content.

Happy right-clicking!
- https://www.affordablecebu.com/

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"Best and Easy Way to Copy Text from a Website with Disabled Right-Click" was written by Mary under the Computers, Tricks, Tips category. It has been read 3263 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on and updated on 24 May 2013.
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