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2012 Summer Convention of the Philippine Association for Language Teaching (PALT), Inc.

The Philippine Association for Language Teaching (PALT), Inc. will hold its 2012 Summer Convention with the theme "Managing Change” on May 3-5, 2012 at the Benguet State University, La Trinidad, Benguet.
The Convention aims to:
  1. affirm the roles of Language teachers as change managers in light of the education reform initiatives which have bearing on the professional discipline of language education;
  2. explore their potentials of indigenous materials and contexts in developing language skills in one’s mother tongue and in the target language in the early years; and
  3. realize their need for teaching approaches which facilitate the transfer of language skills from one’s mother tongue to the target language.
This event which highlights the major reforms to be implemented in the educational system beginning with the K to 12 Curriculum has the following speakers:

1. Mr. Allan Holst
Cultural Affiars Officer, US Embassy
The Teacher as Change Manager
2. Dr. Ethel Agnes P. Valenzuela
Senior Specialist, SEAMEO INNOTECH
Regional and Global Imperatives for National Curriculum
3. Ms. Emily J. Khulman
US English Language Fellow
Multilingualism and Higher Ed
4. Dr. Edizon A. Fermin
Miriam College-High School
Teaching English in Junior High School
6. Dr. Eufracio C. Abaya, Jr., UP DilimanThe Role of Culture in Early Literacy
7. Dr. Rosario I. Alonzo, UP DilimanTransitioning L2 Filipino/English
8. Dr. Ma. Milagrosa Laurel, UP DilimanFormulating Agenda for Materials Development and Research
9. Prof. Aurelio Vilbar, UP Cebu

For more information, all interested individuals may visit or contact any of the following:

The Philippine Association for Language Teaching (PALT)
College of Education, University of the Philippines
Diliman, Quezon City
Mobile Phone Nos.: 09 19-453-5428; 09 17-827-0030
E-mail Address: paltphil@gmail.com
- https://www.affordablecebu.com/

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"2012 Summer Convention of the Philippine Association for Language Teaching (PALT), Inc." was written by Mary under the Events category. It has been read 2887 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on and updated on 21 April 2012.
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