When credit card companies make it too simple for people to obtain unsecured credit, they expose themselves to a high level of risk, which they compensate for by charging high interest rates. Those who take out credit card loans may be overjoyed to use their credit for business or personal indulgences, but they will soon discover that this privilege comes at a steep cost.
The majority of Americans believe they can obtain instant gratification without considering the costs. Without prudence, the majority will sink into the quagmire of debt and be subjected to daily harassment from creditors.
Debt is a significant concern for many Americans. Not everyone who is deeply in debt is a scofflaw; many of them are just ordinary citizens trying to make an honest livelihood, but were seduced by credit card companies' promises of luxury.
The majority of those who choose to file for personal bankruptcy want a fresh start to regain financial control, not just the elimination of their debts. Personal bankruptcy may be a means out of debts, but the current filing requirements are so stringent that you will likely have to think twice or more about doing so. Find out how you can alter your financial habits now and avoid incurring additional debts in the future in order to avoid such an unpleasant experience.
On the other hand, credit card companies should learn their lesson and be more cautious about extending credit to unworthy borrowers. They should also cease promoting the notion that credit card debt is the best option.
Remember that you will never have to confront personal bankruptcy if you prevent it from occurring. Pay close attention to your spending behaviors and make prudent use of your credit card. Do not allow bankruptcy to be your only option for regaining control of your financial future.
Nonetheless, if you have reached the point where bankruptcy is your only option, view it as a personal finance lesson and use it to your advantage. Do not allow debts to control your life and prevent you from sleeping at night. Instead, take responsibility for your financial future by learning how to say no to debt and managing your finances prudently.""
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