In reality, you may be able to settle your debt on your own. For example, you have three credit cards with a total balance of $15,000. I understand that your initial notion is to visit a bankruptcy attorney's office, but you can reconsider. You can join a new program to receive free debt assistance. Eventually, the burden will be lifted, and you can even contemplate retiring at your desired age.
Most college students I know are at least $70,000 in debt, and they know little about debt-free programs. The majority of them filed for bankruptcy as a result of being inundated by interest charges. The reality is that credit cards were not designed to be paid off every month.
You shouldn't have to pay a credit card bill for more than ten years, given all the gratis debt assistance options.
The government enacted new laws allowing you to dispute fifty percent of your debt. If this is not a positive development, I don't know what is! Quickly locating the resources you need to resolve your financial issues is the best course of action. There are so many consumer protection laws that you no longer need to wallow in debt.
You will remain in debt as long as you continue to heed to creditors. Why would you heed to a group whose sole objective is to obtain your money? That doesn't make any sense. The best aspect of these debt-free programs is that you do not have to pay any upfront fees to obtain their assistance; you simply have to enroll in the program. If you have an email address, you qualify for government assistance. If you do not have one, you can sign up for one through a variety of free providers.
A few individuals I know were able to escape debt with assistance from the government. This program is legitimate, but you should be wary of those cons. If you encounter an offer that requires an advanced payment of $80, you should investigate further. This is designed to make your situation worse. If you decide to accept the legitimate offer, you have taken the correct step toward financial independence and have the possibility of the government erasing 50 percent of your credit card debt.""
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