Obviously, if you are experiencing a dire financial crisis, your credit score is the last thing on your mind. As is the case with many individuals, suppose you are completely buried by your obligations. Consider whether you can anticipate paying off all your debts within a few years. If you cannot do so while making reasonable monthly budget sacrifices, it may be time to consider filing for bankruptcy. I am not suggesting that you consider this option lightly, nor am I suggesting that you forego legal counsel.
Simply, I'm stating that you should not be afraid to contemplate bankruptcy as a means of debt relief. If you find yourself in such dire circumstances that bankruptcy is your only option, you should not feel embarrassed.
This leads us to our second disadvantage, which involves bankruptcy public records. If you file for any form of bankruptcy, it will become public knowledge. If you reside in a small community, you may find this information posted in a bulletin board or community center. Again, this may not be significant to you, but you should be ready for any eventuality.
You may also encounter opposition or rebuke from friends or family members, but you must be prepared to make the best decision possible for yourself and your immediate family. You must realize that declaring bankruptcy is a significant decision that will have long-term repercussions on your reputation, both with financial institutions and your social circle (or whoever is able to discover the information). However, if your situation is so dire that you are considering bankruptcy, then these matters are probably not that essential to you.""
" - https://www.affordablecebu.com/