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Will More People Be Filing Bankruptcy Now That the Election Results Are in?

Will More People Be Filing Bankruptcy Now That the Election Results Are in?
"What will happen to the economy now that the election is over and we know that Obama has four more years in office? Numerous small business proprietors in the United States anticipated that a new president would attempt to revitalize the economy and turn things around. Instead, the United States is confronted with Obamacare and higher taxes, causing many citizens to fear that bankruptcy is imminent. The unemployment rate has been close to 8% for the past four years, and it appears that the only available jobs are in large box stores and the fast food industry. How does the government believe it can turn around the economy with minimum wage positions for those who have exhausted their unemployment insurance? It sounds to me as if the foreclosure and bankruptcy filing numbers are on the verge of increasing once more.A year ago, many Americans hoped for significant changes in government at the last election to stimulate the economy and get them out of debt. Instead, the Fed accelerated the printing presses and began producing additional money for Federal Reserve member banks. The economy has received a modest boost because the credit market has made some cash available to struggling Americans. The time is approaching when Americans will no longer be able to borrow and will have to start paying the piper.Numerous economists anticipate the onset of hyperinflation before the end of the year. The United States appears to be headed for a Weimar Republic moment, and Americans should contemplate filing for bankruptcy before the option is taken away. If commodity prices continue to rise, an increasing number of Americans will be unable to meet their basic needs. This means that another wave of people will lose their residences to foreclosure because they must choose between paying their mortgage and buying food. Currently, the average American owes more than $16,000 in credit card debt, and this amount is growing. With high unemployment rates and declining average wages across the nation, a recipe for disaster is being brewed.Now that housing prices have partially stabilized, many regions are experiencing a modest increase in home sales. Nationally, there are still a substantial number of foreclosed properties that must go through the system before we can truly see a bottom. The next six months will determine the direction of the economy. The majority of experts predict that the stock market and economy will continue to decline, with no real positive news in sight. The time has come for struggling individuals to consult a bankruptcy attorney and discuss their financial situation. A bankruptcy attorney will be able to assess the situation and provide advice on how to proceed. With everything escalating, it is best to be proactive and not take anything for granted in financial matters. It is time for Americans to devote more time to prayer and return to the values upon which this nation was founded.
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"Will More People Be Filing Bankruptcy Now That the Election Results Are in?" was written by Mary under the Finance / Wealth category. It has been read 353 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on and updated on 31 May 2023.
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