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How can an OFW Apply a Housing Loan in Metrobank?

As an OFW, you can make your dream home a reality by applying a loan in Metrobank. Metrobank offers a competitive and affordable interest rates. Unlike employed or self-employed individuals and businesspeople, OFW's (Overseas Filipino Workers) have different requirements for applying a housing loan in Metrobank. You can follow the steps provided below on how to apply a housing loan in Metrobank:

Step 1

Prepare the needed requirements before going to the bank. Listed below are the standard application documents required:

  • Latest ID photo (1" x 1" or 2" x 2") of borrower and spouse (if applicable)
  • Photocopy of acceptable ID with photo and signature (passport, driver's license, employee ID).
  • Latest Income Tax Return (ITR) with W-2
  • Proof of other non-salary income such as Certificate of Deposits, Stocks/Bonds Certificate, Lease Contracts showing term and monthly payments, etc.
  • Photocopy of Marriage Contract or any applicable document to support civil status (if applicable)
  • Owner's Copy of Transfer/Condominium Certificate of Title (TCT or CCT)
  • Vicinity/Locatio Map and Lot Plan signed by a Geodetic Engineer
  • Floor Plan, as Built Plan or Schematic Floor Plan (if applicable)
  • Photocopy of Bank Statements and Passbooks for the last 6 months (if applicable)
  • Special Power of Attorney (Bank Form) consularized by the Philippine Consular Office
  • Consularized or Verified Employment Contract and/or Certificate of Employment and Compensation (COEC) with Payslips attached (as deemed necessary).
  • Proof of remittances/allotment with any local bank
  • Photocopy of passport

Additional documents may be required (depending on loan purpose):

For House Construction and Renovations Loans:

  • Floor and Building Plan, building specifications, bill of materials and construction and labor cost estimates

For Purchase of Condominium

  • Master Deed of Restrictions
  • Master Insurance Policy
  • Mother Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) or CCT (if applicable)

For Purchase of Townhouse

  • Mother TCT or CCT (if the title of the townhouse is covered by a CCT)

For Refinancing/Take-Out

  • Statement of Account from mortgages bank

Step 2

Go to your branch of account (Metrobank branch where you've opened an account). Inside the bank, go to the Customer Service section and tell any bank employee that you want to apply for a housing loan. Ask for the complete list of requirements (the bank may require additional documents not listed on Step 1 (on the Standard Application Documents). The bank employee may require you fill-out a Housing Loan Application Form. Other requirements will be consolidated after the bank evaluates your application.

Metrobank Housing Loan Application Form (photo snapshot)

Metrobank Housing Loan Application Form

Download Metrobank Housing Loan Application Form Here


Step 3

Prepare to pay for the following fees:

  1. Appraisal Fee - to be paid upon application - Php 3,000 - Php 3,500
  2. Handling Fee - to be paid upon approval of loan/deducted from proceeds - Php 2,000
  3. Inspection Fee - to be collected for construction loans only, upon every stage of completion inspection - Php 500 per inspection
  4. Other fees and charges


  1. Additional documents may be required to facilitate the processing of the loan application
  2. Please note that processing turnaround will be reckoned from submission of all the documentary requirements
  3. Other post-approval requirements shall be submitted once loan is approved
  4. Fees and charges may change without prior notice

If you have any questions, concerns or problems in applying for housing loan in Metrobank, feel free to ask them in the comment below.

- https://www.affordablecebu.com/

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"How can an OFW Apply a Housing Loan in Metrobank?" was written by Mary under the Loan category. It has been read 59165 times and generated 12 comments. The article was created on and updated on 26 March 2014.
Total comments : 12
Dominika Petrová [Entry]

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Mrs. Phyllis Sue South [Entry]

Testimomy on how I got my loan
I live in UK London and i am a happy woman today? and i
told my self that any lender that rescue my
family from our poor situation, i will refer
any person that is looking for loan to him,
he gave me happiness to me and my family, i
was in need of a loan of $250,000.00 to
start my life all over as i am a single
mother with 3 kids I met this honest and GOD
fearing man loan lender that help me with a
loan of $250,000.00 U.S. Dollar, he is a GOD
fearing man, if you are in need of loan and
you will pay back the loan please contact
Mr. Anthony Mitchell
via EMAIL : applicantonline3@gmail.com
ki [Entry]

We are Christian Organization formed to help people in needs
of helps,such as financial help. So if you are going through
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email: hasanloanfirm50@yahoo.com for the bible says""Luke 11:10
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knocks, the door will be opened". So do not let these opportunity pass
you by because Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever more.
Please these is for serious minded and God fearing People.

E-mail :hasanloanfirm50@yahoo.com
alva acuna [Entry]

I had a previous account in metro bank but I transferred under my mother's name because we had a difficulty before in terms of withdrawing the money.
I am working here in Dubai and kindly advise me how to take a half million in peso and kindly provide me the calculations and requirements for applying the loan.

Rosanna okuno [Entry]

Good afternoon I'm here in Jpn I want to apply for housing loan in metrobank can you pls advice me the following process ?? Thank you
Federico Dulla, Jr [Entry]

Hi good morning. I want to ask an advice because I want to apply for housing loan, but im here in Bahrain. If possible can you advice me how to process the housing loan while im here in Bahrain..thank you..
melinda [Entry]

I'm in abudhabi I want to apply housing loan in metrobank. How can I apply?isn't okay my husband the one to process while I'm here in abroad?
adhil cruz [Entry]

how many days or weeks my loan to be released after my aplication?
analyn [Entry]

Hi good pm,my husband is an OFW and he wanted to apply housing loan from metrobank but he is in Saudi right now. can you please advise me the process? thanks and wait your response. can you please send me cellphone number to call..