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National Conference Seminar for Private School Heads and Administrators on Curriculum Change

The Philippine Educators Management Consultants, Inc. (PEMCI) will conduct the National Conference Seminar for Private School Heads and Administrators on Curriculum Change with the theme, "Private Schools Adapting to the Dynamics of Change in Basic Education” on the following dates and venues:
January 19-21, 2012
Tagaytay International Convention Center (TICC), Tagaytay City
January 31 - February 2, 2012
Hotel Supreme Convention Plaza Baguio City

The conference-seminar aims to:
  1. confirm readiness of private school administrators and heads in the implementation of the K to 12 Basic Education Program;
  2. update the participants on the impact of the use of English language in the globalization;
  3. explain to them the concepts and procedures of alternative wholebrain approach in the learning process; and
  4. equip them with the knowledge on mediation by knowing the legal aspects pertaining to the rules, regulations and policies of the private schools.
The topics to be discussed in this activity are the following:
  1. Implementation of the K to 12 Basic Education Program;
  2. English: The Language of the Global Community;
  3. Wholebrain Approach in Learning;
  4. Special Programs of Basic Education;
  5. Marketing Strategy for School Administrators; and
  6. Legal Answers to Rules and Policies.
The school administrators and schools of private schools are invited to attend this conference-seminar.
The registration fee, which covers expenses for three (3) days and two (2) nights food and lodging, seminar kits and materials, bags, t-shirts and certificates and other incidental expenses, is as follows:

Early Registration
(On or before December 20, 2011)
Early Registration
(After December 20, 2011 button or before January 6, 2012)
Regular Registration

For more information, contact Dean Aquilino G. Soriano, Jr. at mobile phone no.: 0949-768-77 16, or at telephone no.: (02) 579-4011 or send him a message at any of the following e-mail addresses: agsorianojr3@yahoo.com; and pemci@gmail.com.
- https://www.affordablecebu.com/

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"National Conference Seminar for Private School Heads and Administrators on Curriculum Change" was written by Mary under the Schools / Universities category. It has been read 2946 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on and updated on 03 December 2011.
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