If you have kids or children 1 to 18 years old, you can start to open them a savings account (called Fun Savers Club) in Metrobank. Metrobank Fun Savers Club is a fun and educational way to let your children learn the basics of saving money. Here's a simple procedure on how to apply for Metrobank Fun Savers Club.
1. Bring the needed requirements for opening a Metrobank Fun Savers Club: > Child's NSO Birth Certificate > Student's ID duly signed by School Principal or Head of School (for student) > Two 1x1 recent ID pictures > Php 500.00 initial deposit (this is also the required maintaining balance) 2. You must personally visit any Metrobank branches. Go to the New Accounts section of the bank and apply for a Metrobank Fun Savers Club account. Present the requirements. Metrobank's branch personnel will be providing you the assistance that you need for account opening. Metrobank Fun Savers Club Passbook (Picture)Metrobank Fun Savers Club Initial Deposit and Maintaining Balance- Php 500 (for PESO account)
- US$ 100 (for Dollar account
Important Rates Account Type
| Balance to Earn Interest | Interest Rate (per annum or year)
| Service Fee for Accounts Falling Below Maintaining Balance (for 2 consecutive months)
| Fun Savers Club (PESO) | P 4,000 | 0.25%
| P 300
| Fun Savers Club (DOLLAR) | US$ 200
| 0.125%
| US$ 5.00
Are you having a problem opening a savings account for your child?
- https://www.affordablecebu.com/
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"How to Open or Apply for Metrobank Savings Account for 1 to 18 Years Old: Fun Savers Club" was written by Mary under the Banking category. It has been read 52181 times and generated 21 comments. The article was created on 17 September 2013 and updated on 17 September 2013.